Friday, September 24, 2010

Rashid O'Bryan Blog Entry #1.1 through 1.3 for Poster Analysis

Its a drop of water pictured in slow motion.  The point of the picture is Attitude.  The small drop of water makes a large ripple. Your attitude can cause a ripple effect in any group large or small. 

The black background color is good for the picture because it makes the blue from the main picture really stand out.  I feel the use of Capitol letters in large Fonts in the word attitude is good.  The second and third line should have been in a larger font as well.  The colors were a good choice. 

I feel the words on the poster are well positioned because they are right under the image and the words blended in.

This student is helping his fellow classmate off the floor.
This picture shows how we can lend a hand and care about each other.  The colors of the background is fine but the color of the font should be a different color. I think it should be a bright yellow or orange.

The words fit the poster. It explains how some people care.  I think that the words are arranged fine.
The font size used on the word "Caring" should have been bigger and It should have been in capital letters.

I dont think that the picture they used goes well with the statement below it.
This picture does not show any type of curiosity in my opinion. In the statement below the picture
it says the word independence.  If the girl was independent you wouldnt see the teacher their.

The colors weren't a good selection either. They used a dark pink with black which you can hardly see. What I would have done was make the color of the statement white because when you mix white and black together, white pops out of the black.

The font should have been bigger because you can barely see the words.