Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blog Entry #2.11 - Process Journal 2 (E)

I  have completed Design Task (A) Blog Entry #2.1 to #2.10

I could have elaborated in my responses to the questions given. This would
help my work be clearer. I feel independent, motivated, and have a generally
positive attitude. I would like to participate more in class. I will try to interact
and ask for help when I need it. The score that I would give myself is a 5 or 6
because I feel I am understanding the blogging process better than the first time.

Blog #2.10 - Target Consumers (B)

Target consumer #1 is intended for Catholics.  Catholics celebrate the season of Lent.  Lent is about giuving up something that is very near and dear to your heart.  It is the 40 day period before the Easter season.  Lent s a time for prayer and preparation to celebrate Easter.  Catholics are the the only ones who celebrate Lent but are most closely associated with this holiday.

Target consumer #2 is Parochial Schools.  These schools teach the fundamentals of the catholic religion and principals of Lent.  The Parochial schools are always looking to raise funds for their schools and churches.  The cards are easy and portable product used to raise money and  spread the information about Lent.  This can help to bring in new church members to the parish and new students to the Parochial Schools.

Target consumer #3 is Card Shops.  Since cards are their specialty they have the most expertise in selling these types of cards.  They would know how to market and set prices.  Card Shops sell all types of cards for different holidays, occassions and religions.  You will get the greatest number of people in the shortest amount of time to buy this product.  Marketing time is essential due to the shortness of the Lent holiday (40 days).

Blog Entry #2.9 - Text Brainstorm (B) Lent Quotes

"To Change and to change for the better are two different things."
- German Proverb

"A blunder is a man who starts a meat market during Lent."
- James Montegomery Bailey

"Lent!...not just fish."
- Rashid O'Bryan

"Show me the money (Tom Cruise)
 Show me your soul (Jesus)."
- Rashid O'Bryan

"Lent only last for 40 days, but a sacrifice can last forever".
- Rashid O'Bryan

"The lord can brighten all your days including the 40 days of sacrifice and belief ".
- Rashid O'Bryan

Thursday, December 9, 2010

blog entry 2.8

blog entry 2.7

1. What is the name of the holiday?
Answer: The name of my holiday is Lent
2. When will the holiday be celebrated in 2011?
Answer: Lent is celebrated after Easter and last for 40 days.
3. Who celebrates this holiday? (Countries, religious groups, ethnic groups)
Answer: This holiday is celebrated by christians and mostly catholics .
4. Why is this holiday celebrated? What is the significance of this holiday?
Answer: During this holiday, for 40 days, people give up things they like... This last for most of the spring.
5. How is this holiday celebrated? Include any rituals, food, costumes, dance or music associated with this holiday.
Answer: For 40 days, people give up things they like.
6. What websites were used in answering these questions? (Copy and paste the web addresses of each website.)
Answer: I used the search engine Google and i have prior knowledge. My family celebrates Lent.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

blog entry 2.4

1. What holiday/event does the card represent?
This card represents Thanksgiving.
2. What type of images are used – photos, cartoons or graphics? How do the images used connect to the holiday/event?
The card uses graphics and hand written drawings of turkeys. It shows cartoon turkeys and
a turkey is what is eaten on thanksgiving.
3. In your opinion, is the cover of the card attention-grabbing? Explain exactly why or why not. Consider the arrangement of elements as well as use of images, color and text.
The card is attention grabbing because of all the turkeys running around. It keeps
your eyes moving.
4. What text is written on the front of the card? Where is it located on the front?
The text says: HAPPY TURKEY DAY. The text covers up the whole front of the card.
5. What text is written inside the card? Where is it located inside the card?
the text inside the card says: ... and mashed potatoes and gravy day, and cranberry sauce
day, and pumpkin pie day... Gobble, Gobble! it is located at the mid-top of the inside of the
6. In your opinion, does the text inside the card connect to the image(s) on the cover? Explain exactly why or why not.
It does connect because the text describes some of the food that's eaten on Thanksgiving day.
7. What types of information appears on the back of the card? (Do not copy it exactly!)
It says what type of paper is used and where it is made at.
8. To what consumer is this card targeted? (Consider age group, gender, race and/or religion.) What about the design led you to this conclusion?

It is targeted to any person of any age and is targeted to both boys and girls.

blog entry 2.3

1. What holiday/event does the card represent?
My second card represents Christmas again.
2. What type of images are used – photos, cartoons or graphics? How do the images used connect to the holiday/event?
The image used was a cartoon picture of Santa and a ginger bread house. The connection
is that santa is the one that gives away the presents and hes the reason for Christmas.
3. In your opinion, is the cover of the card attention-grabbing? Explain exactly why or why not. Consider the arrangement of elements as well as use of images, color and text.
It is attention grabbing because of the cartoonish feel. The different colors and elements
are attention grabbing too.
4. What text is written on the front of the card? Where is it located on the front?
The text says: It's Christmas! it is located on the top right hand corner of the card.
5. What text is written inside the card? Where is it located inside the card?
The text inside of the card is: Hope Christmas is filled with the best things for you- sweet 
treats, fun surprises, and neat things to do! It is located right in the middle on the inside 
of the card.
6. In your opinion, does the text inside the card connect to the image(s) on the cover? Explain exactly why or why not.
they are both connected to eachother because of the joy of Christmas and the picture.
7. What types of information appears on the back of the card? (Do not copy it exactly!)
There is a bar code, information on, and where the cards are made.
8. To what consumer is this card targeted? (Consider age group, gender, race and/or religion.) What about the design led you to this conclusion?

 this is more for the younger kids because of the way the card looks and what the text
looks like. it is a cartoon, and most adults aren't fond of cartoons.

blog entry 2.2

1. What holiday/event does the card represent?
The card that i have represents Christmas.
2. What type of images are used – photos, cartoons or graphics? How do the images used connect to the holiday/event?
the image type is a photo. it doesnt look hand written, the photo looks real.
3. In your opinion, is the cover of the card attention-grabbing? Explain exactly why or why not. Consider the arrangement of elements as well as use of images, color and text.
it has an ornument on a christmas tree. the ornument is pearl white and it looks nice.
4. What text is written on the front of the card? Where is it located on the front?
the text says: At times like these, family is the best gift of all. the text is located at the top
of the card.
5. What text is written inside the card? Where is it located inside the card?
The text inside the card says: your hopes and dreams are ours as well, and at the holidays,
we wish for you the same kind of happiness you've given us.

6. In your opinion, does the text inside the card connect to the image(s) on the cover? Explain exactly why or why not.
No because the text talks about family and the picture is a picture of a ornument.
7. What types of information appears on the back of the card? (Do not copy it exactly!)
it shows what the card is made of. There is information on the hallmark website, and there is 
a barcode.
8. To what consumer is this card targeted? (Consider age group, gender, race and/or religion.) What about the design led you to this conclusion?

i think the card can be for people of all ages. The card is for people that celebrate Christmas. There is no specific gender or race the card needs to go to.

blog entry 2.1

I have been asked to design 3 holliday cards in the next 5 weeks. The holliday was that i have is lent.