Saturday, November 12, 2011

process journal #3

Homework #6: Process Journal 3 Due Thursday
What is the purpose of evaluating a product? Who will be involved in your evaluation? How will you use the data from your evaluation? What possible changes will you make depending on the results? How will you determine if you have conducted a good evaluation?
The purpose of evaluating a product is to get a sense of what the creator is trying to say
The teacher and other kids will be evaluating the finished product of my Cd cover. 
I will look at the data on Monday and reflect on the good comments and then the bad comments
If there is criticism towards my project, I will have to revert back to using adobe photoshop 
and add or get rid up things to help my Cd cover be great. I will have determined if
I have conducted a good evaluation by asking the essential questions.

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